The Adventures oF OOK AND GLUK Kung-Fu CAVeMeN FROM The FUTURe.
the funky writing is from the book.
This is what happened, Ook and Gluk were learning kung fu and Ook and Gluk were begging for different belts. But there master is keep on saying who is the greatest man. The pope?, The president?, me? me too?. Ook and Gluk were bragging and bragging until 7 years came by, Ook and Gluk were smart and more strong. That was their time to strike back to the evil two people and they are called. Gopper nopper and Gopper nopper. Because they are related, there is one from the past and one from the future. So Ook and Gluk came to the building, then there were two guards, were guarding the door. The guards said hey you better head on or I will blow you into pieces. Then his friend was starting a conversation. Then Ook and Gluk was not there but there were jumping of something and starting to attacking them.
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