12/5/17 - Etuale Mothers day Poem
I love my mum because she makes me breakfast everyday.
She is kind,smart and good enough to me.
My mum is a warmth person that always cuddles me.
My mum is warm like hot chocolate is covering my body.
My mum is a big wall because she protects me from other people.
My mum is a sun so the rain won't make me sick.
My mum is the one that would give me more information to be smart.
My mum is a flower because she likes nature.
My mum is so much larger than life to me.
My mum is the one that who understands me no matter what.
My mum is a heartwarming mum.
My mum is a diamond treasure because she is precious.
My mum is a rainbow because she is a blessing to me to see so that she loves me.
My mum is a koala bear because it's warm.
My mum smells like her favourite perfume all the time.
My mum is a moon glowing so I can see her every time.
You are my wonderful mother.
I love you mum.